Dr. Ricardo Javier Salinas Garza

Did you go under any type of weight loss surgery and you didn’t lose weight?

We have the answer and the greatest experience.


There are previously weight loss patients operated with techniques such as gastric band, gastric plication, gastroplasty, even gastric bypass, where there weren’t successful results or there was a negative quality of life. Making and individual evaluation on each patient we can achieve a successful surgery in order to obtain our weight loss objectives.

How can we help you?

Surgery Center

Converting surgery for failed obesity surgical techniques.

Experience in all kind of overweight

Experience in all kind of overweight, from patients with Simple Obesity to patients with Super Super Obesity above 250 kg or much more.

Corrective surgery

Obesity Surgery of the correction of Type II Diabetes and Hypertension.


Converting surgery for failed obesity surgical techniques

Obesity Surgery of the correction of Type II Diabetes and Hypertension (Metabolic Surgery)

All type of overweight surgery

Severe or Morbid Obesity

Severe obesity is an excess of energy stored as fat. It is a disease of multifactorial origin: genetic, metabolic, psychological, social, cultural, etc. It is correlated to BMI (body mass index). Severe obesity is associated with increased premature mortality. Heavy people especially young die much earlier than thin young individuals.

Obesity is a disease complicated with other pathologies such as hypertension, diabetes, hypercolesterolemia, coronary and cardiac disease, sleeping apnea, gallbladder disorder, fatty liver, arthritis, varicose veins, post-flebitic syndrome with leg ulcers and loss of self-esteem. Obese women have a higher risk of having some type of cancer: breast, endometrial, cervical, ovarian and gallbladder. Obese men have a higher risk of colon cancer and prostate cancer.

The patient with severe obesity suffers discrimination and lack of respect by society and the same medical personnel.

Some basic daily activities are affected from time to time:
  • To tie up shoelaces.
  • Airplane traveling.
  • Going out to a movie theater.
  • Cloth is more difficult to find and more expensive.
  • Personal hygiene is hard to achieve.
  • Difficult to find a job.
  • Not easy to keep up a relationship with the opposite sex.

Body mass index (BMI)

How to know the grade of obesity?
The most practical way is calculating the body mass index that combines weight and height. It is obtained dividing weight (kilograms) by height times height.
B.M.I.= weight Kg/m2 height x height
Category Body mass index values
Normal < 25 kg/m2
Overweight 26 – 29 kg/m2
Simple severe obesity 30 – 35 kg/m2
Morbid obesity 40 – 49 kg/m2
Superobesity 50 – kg/m2

BMI Calculator: Body Mass Index

Enter weight (kg):

Enter Height (m):

BMI: kg/m2

*There is no effective treatment for severe obesity either diets, medication, psychotherapy, etc…

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